Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Nick Cave- Sound suits !!!

Perhaps I'm a little late to the table - but I have just discovered Nick Cave - The Artist who makes and performs in Sound suits. ( odd that there are TWO Nick Caves who perform in sound suits!)

I'm attaching a youtube video of him.
What he said - that I liked the most- was about the joy and delight factor in the viewer .
I believe that is the same feeling I strive for in my creations!


  1. YEAH! Great site Mirtooli. The black is very cique. Is that how you spell it? I love your reference to Nick Cave. You know much of his work has to do with crochet? Wait till you see it in person. If you want to go, I have a free ticket.


  2. I don't see anything about you. Is that coming? Mention your website and post your pics of sculptures, paintings and crochet. You go girl!!!

